Dear Mr. Non-Committal-Game-Player

Dear Mr. Non-Committal-Game-Player,

Hey, it's me, just one of your many conquests. We've been seeing each other for weeks now, and despite the fact that we have a great time together, you seem less than interested in actually establishing any form of commitment. Perhaps this is why you are 38 and single. Maybe you prefer it that way. Either way, your antics are now deserving of my public rant.

Let's be honest, your good looks and money are a great combination for courting women in this metropolis. However, I am neither dumb nor superficial. But I do know the single sea is pretty deep here in the City, and I am just another fish. Except that I like to think that I'm NOT just another fish. I actually have something to offer a man, something which apparently you don't deserve.

Things started off just as they should with any dating scenario. You were flirty, communicative, and always assuring that your time was on my weekend dating schedule. Dinners, movies, fine champagne, comedy clubs, the works. You even went so far as to hold my hand in public, something you non-committal game players were opposed to I thought.

Boy did I fall for it.

If there is one thing I've learned, it's that I'm no longer having sex on the third date with any of you mongrels. That rule for this girl is over. Since when does courtship and communication end after the 3rd date? Now we're confined to random scatterings of text messages and emails, which is just basically your way of fucking with my mind. Have you ever heard of picking up the phone, or is actual voice-on-voice contact too much for you? You're a lawyer, I thought you liked to hear yourself talk.

Nope for you, it's all about control. YOU pick the dates, YOU ask me out, YOU pay, You You YOU. Last time I checked, it's 2010 and it's OK to let women pick a place to eat, or a date. I get it though, you have so many women in your line-up that it's best you schedule your dates accordingly.

And your ego. Where do I begin? You are not the only good looking, intelligent, man with money in NYC. So, get over yourself. Your approach to dating is the best recipe for long-term loneliness. As soon as I de-friend you on Facebook or ignore your emails, you suddenly try to make plans with me repeatedly? As if a Facebook friendship is the yardstick to which we measure potential romantic partners.

Well I wish you luck, you'll no doubt continue your shenanigans until you realize it's too late and the sea of hot young single ladies have moved on to men who actually give a damn. NEXT!

Truly yours,


P.S.: You're not that great in bed.


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